When removing a node from a binary search tree, you either replace the node with its biggest child on the left or its smallest child on the right.
I'm having a hard time understanding the way the following implementation executes the the removal operation.
@discardableResult public func remove() -> BinarySearchTree? {
let replacement: BinarySearchTree?
// Replacement for current node can be either biggest one on the left or
// smallest one on the right, whichever is not nil
if let right = right {
replacement = right.minimum()
} else if let left = left {
replacement = left.maximum()
} else {
replacement = nil
// Recursion
// Place the replacement on current node's position
replacement?.right = right
replacement?.left = left
right?.parent = replacement
left?.parent = replacement
// The current node is no longer part of the tree, so clean it up.
parent = nil
left = nil
right = nil
return replacement
The above code consists of following steps:
The part I'm having difficulty specifically is the recursion. As far as I understand, the base case of the recursion is replacement = nil
because as long as there is either a right child or a left child, the recursion will continue to occur. However, how can replacement
be nil
when it's supposed to refer for the replacement node? At the same time, how does the recursion stop if replacement
isn't nil
It may help to see what happens visually. Let's say you start with this tree and want to remove the orange root node
You call remove
on the orange node:
is orange.replacement
is the minimum of the right subtree - the blue node.You recurse by calling remove
on blue:
is bluereplacement
is nil as blue has neither left nor right childrenremove
on nil
(or rather you don't, because of the ?)nil
reconnectParent(node: nil)
is called to fix the left/right linkage of blue's parent (this will result in green.left
being assigned nil
)The tree now looks like:
You are now back out at the initial call to remove
and execution continues. Remember,
is orange.replacement
is blue node.The next steps are:
blue.right = orange.right
blue.left = orange.left
orange.right.parent = blue
orange.left.parent = blue
- This does nothing since orange
has no parentorange.parent = nil
orange.right = nil
orange.left = nil
- This was the initial call to remove
, so we have exited all recursionThis leaves us with the final tree: