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laravelffmpeg color filter effects

How can I apply a color filter effect in my video using laravel-ffmpeg package and what is the proper way to do it?

The package have a custom filters but i dont know how to translate the ffmpeg command for color filter to laravel-ffmpeg.

From FFMPEG cmd




And I saw that there are -vf in custom Filter in laravel-ffmpeg package, so i try to use the ffmpeg cmd command for color filter, I dont know the proper way to use it in laravel.

Here are my code with EncodingException error

        ->inFormat(new \FFMpeg\Format\Video\X264)


  • Maybe you should try to use the custom method.

    Try something like:

    use FFMpeg\Filters\Video\VideoFilters;
    ->addFilter(function (VideoFilters $filters) {

    or maybe:

    ->addFilter('eq', 'brightness=0.3:saturation=1.3:contrast=1.1')

    I haven't tried it, I'll let you reply in comments if it doesn't work.