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Flutter BLoC : how to update state with null values?

How do you deal with "accepted null values" when you update a state in BLoC ? I use the flutter_bloc package.

I have a form in which numeric variables are nullable so that I can check their validity before the form is submitted. But when I emit a new state, I use state.copyWith(var1?, var2?)... so when a null value is used to update a parameter, the value is not updated.

To face that I use a custom FieldStatus enum for each field. In my form submission, I can check the status of each field. But this is a bit verbose... and it needs to use 2 values instead of 1 for each field, which is not very satisfying.

I can also force the value to be null according to the new value of its FieldStatus, but it is a bit tricky and not very satisfying.

How would you manage such a case ?

Here is what I did :

States :

part of 'phhfgroup_bloc.dart';

class PhhfGroupState extends Equatable
    final double? height;
    final FieldStatus heightStatus;
    const PhhfGroupState({this.height, this.heightStatus = FieldStatus.initial});
    List<Object?> get props => [height, heightStatus];
    PhhfGroupState copyWith({double? height, FieldStatus? heightStatus})
        return PhhfGroupState(
            height: height ?? this.height,
            heightStatus: heightStatus ?? this.heightStatus

Events :

part of 'phhfgroup_bloc.dart';

abstract class PhhfGroupEvent extends Equatable
    const PhhfGroupEvent();
    List<Object> get props => [];

class HeightChanged extends PhhfGroupEvent
    const HeightChanged({required this.height});
    final String height;

    List<Object> get props => [height];

Handler :

import 'package:equatable/equatable.dart';
import 'package:flutter_bloc/flutter_bloc.dart';
import 'package:myapp/models/statuses.dart';

part 'phhfgroup_event.dart';
part 'phhfgroup_state.dart';

class PhhfGroupBloc extends Bloc<PhhfGroupEvent, PhhfGroupState>
    PhhfGroupBloc() : super()
    void _mapHeightEventToState(HeightChanged event, Emitter<PhhfGroupState> emit)
                height: null,
                heightStatus: FieldStatus.empty
            double? height = double.tryParse(event.height);
            if(height == null)
                    height: null,
                    heightStatus: FieldStatus.nonnumeric
            else emit(this.state.copyWith(
                height: height,
                heightStatus: FieldStatus.numeric

Thanks !


  • By using freeze, you could do as follow:

    void main() {
      var person = Person('Remi', 24);
      // `age` not passed, its value is preserved
      print(person.copyWith(name: 'Dash')); // Person(name: Dash, age: 24)
      // `age` is set to `null`
      print(person.copyWith(age: null)); // Person(name: Remi, age: null)

    If you don't want to use another package, I suggest to add an argument for controlling nullable values.

    class PhhfGroupState extends Equatable
        final double? height;
        final FieldStatus heightStatus;
        const PhhfGroupState({this.height, this.heightStatus = FieldStatus.initial});
        List<Object?> get props => [height, heightStatus];
        PhhfGroupState copyWith({double? height, FieldStatus? heightStatus, bool clearHeight = false})
            return PhhfGroupState(
                height: clearHeight == true ? null : height ?? this.height,
                heightStatus: heightStatus ?? this.heightStatus

    If you have a bunch of nullable fields, I would strongly recommend freeze, but for others, just add a flag for It.