We use owasp dependency check against a php project using composer.
Many of the modules are forked from an upstream repo and into an internal git repo. Since the names of the forks do not match the upstream name, dependency check will not be able to match them with CVE's.
Is there any way to alias or indicate that a composer entry is a fork so that it will be able to identify the security issues?
The "hints" was exactly what I needed.
The steps in case someone else needs something similar.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<hints xmlns="https://jeremylong.github.io/DependencyCheck/dependency-hint.1.1.xsd">
<evidence type="vendor" source="composer.lock" name="vendor" value="my-project-name" confidence="HIGHEST" />
<evidence type="product" source="composer.lock" name="product" value="fork-of-project" confidence="HIGHEST" />
<evidence type="vendor" source="hint analyzer" name="vendor" value="upstream-project-name" confidence="HIGHEST" />
<evidence type="product" source="hint analyzer" name="product" value="upstream-project" confidence="HIGHEST" />