So i have this textfield which has a controller and I am able to get the selected value that is been highlighted and change it without any issue.
hintText: "Write something...",
maxLines: null,
controller: _controller,
addBorder: false,
//Lets say the text inside the textfield is "Good morning my friends"
text: "Change",
onClick: () {
//This is to get the highlighted/selected text inside the textfield (Lets say it's "morning")
String highlightedText = _controller.selection.textInside(_controller.text);
//This is to get all the text before the highlighted text = "Good "
String textBefore = _controller.selection.textBefore(_controller.text);
//This is to get all the text after the highlighted text = " my friends"
String textAfter = _controller.selection.textAfter(_controller.text);
//This is to change or modify the highlighted text = "**morning**"
String changeSelectedText = "**$selectedText**";
//This is to join the before and after text and add to back to the controller = "Good **morning** my friends"
String newText = textBefore + changeSelectedText + textAfter;
_controller.text = newText;
Now my problem is how do i first check if "morning" is already surrounded by "**morning**". Cause i used this
if (textAfter.contains("**") || textBefore.contains("**")) {
textAfter = textAfter.replaceAll("**", "");
textBefore = textBefore.replaceAll("**", "");
But it will check if every word in the textfield has ** not the word i selected. So please how do i do this maybe something like a regex or using it positions
Use endsWith
and startsWith
if (textAfter.startsWith("**") || textBefore.endsWith("**")) {
// Don't replace all ** with empty text, just make a substring and cut them off
// textAfter = textAfter.replaceAll("**", "");
// textBefore = textBefore.replaceAll("**", "");
textAfter = textAfter.substring(2);
textBefore = textBefore.replaceAll(0, textBefore.length - 2);