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Get full call of Perl script with parameters

How can I get the file name and input parameters of the script into a variable?

So it should look like this:

# Start script as such: ./ -d -s server1.domain

use strict;
use warnings;

my $call = some_command;

print $call; # Output: -d -s server1.domain 
             # OR ./ -d -s server1.domain 
             # OR /path/to/ -d -s server1.domain

Tried doing this with __FILE__ and $0 but I can't seem to get the input parameters in the variable.

I'm running v5.10.1 on a AIX machine.


  • The program and its args are found in $0 and @ARGV respectively.

    You can use String::ShellQuote's shell_quote to form a command line from them.