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For Looping data in html and SketchUp

I have an array of data in SketchUp which I need to present to html in a table format. I have an example of my code which I have hard-coded.

ID = [["Harry", "22", "Male"],["Sam", "19", "Male"],["Christine", "23", "Female"]]

  dialog =
      :dialog_title => "Personal Info",
      :scrollable => true,
      :resizable => true,
      :width => 500,
      :height => 250,
      :left => 200,
      :top => 200,
      :min_width => 50,
      :min_height => 50,
      :max_width =>1000,
      :max_height => 500,
      :style => UI::HtmlDialog::STYLE_DIALOG

for i in 0...Facelayers.length do
     html = "
     <!DOCTYPE html>
     table, th, td {
       border:1px solid black;
         <h2>Personal Info</h2>
     <table style='width:75%'>

If you run this program in SketchUp, you will have the following output...

enter image description here

The output is perfect, couldn't get any better. But the problem is that its hardcoded.

You'll notice that the 'ID' array has three people with different names, ages and genders. But what if I had four people? Or five? Or even ten?

This part here needs to somehow be looped. Could someone please help me with creating a loop which will print all the information necessary to html?

enter image description here

Thanks for your help!


  • Ruby Script

    ids = [%w[Harry 22 Male], %w[Sam 19 Male], %w[Christine 23 Female], %w[Rafael 39 Male]]
    @rows = ""
    @dialog =
        dialog_title: 'Personal Info',
        scrollable: true,
        resizable: true,
        width: 500,
        height: 250,
        left: 200,
        top: 200,
        min_width: 50,
        min_height: 50,
        max_width: 1000,
        max_height: 500,
        style: UI::HtmlDialog::STYLE_DIALOG
    ids.each do |data|
      @rows.concat "<tr><td>#{data[0]}</td><td>#{data[1]}</td><td>#{data[2]}</td></tr>"
    html = "
      <!DOCTYPE html>
          table, th, td {
          border:1px solid black;
          <h2>Personal Info</h2>
          <table style='width:75%'>


    enter image description here