I'm working with financial data and i want to scrape data from this site web. https://www.sikafinance.com/marches/historiques?s=BRVMAG. I want to scrape the data of a table from above site that takes three arguments
And finally click on the button btcChange ="OK".
After trying the code below I only get the first table. I would like to be able to get the other tables when I change the start and end date. But unfortunately even if I change the dates I still get the table for today's date. Does anyone have any idea how to recover the whole table? I noticed when inspecting their site that when you change the dates, it doesn't change in the and tags in their code. The images are at the bottom.
I think either the whole table is available and it does a filter for the dates(gap between dates must not exceed 3 months)
end_date <- as.Date("2022-03-29")
query_params <- list(dlPeriod = "Journalière",
datefrom = first_date,
dateto = end_date,
btnChange = "OK")
parameter_response <- GET("https://www.sikafinance.com/marches/historiques?s=BRVMAG", query_params)
parameter_response1<- httr::content(parameter_response, as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8")
parameter_response2 <- read_html(parameter_response1)%>%
# Date Clôture `Plus bas` `Plus haut` Ouverture `Volume Titres` `Volume FCFA` `Variation %`
# <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <int> <chr>
# 1 29/04/2022 312,09 312,09 312,09 312,09 - 0 2,53%
# 2 28/04/2022 304,38 304,38 304,38 304,38 - 0 0,00%
# 3 27/04/2022 304,38 304,38 304,38 304,38 - 0 2,69%
# 4 26/04/2022 296,42 296,42 296,42 296,42 - 0 0,81%
# 5 25/04/2022 294,05 294,05 294,05 294,05 - 0 1,34%
# 6 22/04/2022 290,17 290,17 290,17 290,17 - 0 0,36%
Then i change the date to see if Can get a New table but unfortunatly it does work.
end_date <- as.Date("2021-04-29")
After doing the same processus to scrape the New table i get only the old one.
I see a POST API request called for historic data with the params as below:
'ticker'= 'BRVMAG', 'datedeb'= '2022-02-01', 'datefin'= '2022-03-29','xperiod'= '0'
I tested with removing headers and cookies and it seems they are not needed.
r <- request("https://www.sikafinance.com/api/general/GetHistos") %>%
req_body_json(list('ticker'= 'BRVMAG', 'datedeb'= '2022-02-01', 'datefin'= '2022-03-29','xperiod'= '0')) %>%
req_perform() %>%
resp_body_json(simplifyVector = T)