Im trying to print prime numbers till 10000. (display the first five for testing) This is my program
program primes
implicit none
integer :: array(1229)
integer :: i, ind
logical :: is_prime
ind = 1
do i = 2, 10000, 1
if (is_prime(i) .eqv. .true.) then
array(ind) = i
ind = ind + 1
end if
end do
print *, array(1)
print *, array(2)
print *, array(3)
print *, array(4)
print *, array(5)
end program primes
function is_prime(n) result(ispr)
implicit none
integer :: c, i
integer, intent(in) :: n
logical :: ispr
c = 0
do i = 2, n
if (mod(i,2) == 0) then
c = c + 1
end if
end do
ispr = (c == 0)
end function is_prime
I don't know why but this is the output
Why does this happen and how to correct?
is_prime should be(n is the only divider of n besides 1 <=> c == 1)
function is_prime(n) result(ispr)
implicit none
integer :: c, i
integer, intent(in) :: n
logical :: ispr
c = 0
do i = 2, n
if (mod(n,i) == 0) then
c = c + 1
end if
end do
ispr = (c == 1)
end function is_prime
Could be optimezed by leaving the loop when c == 1 and i < n(after adding 1 to c)...
See on online fortran compiler