Running TFLint through their Docker Image Here - I have to pass tflint multiple commands one after the other to initialize and run the tool which is where I'm running into issues
I have ran it locally using the following commands, which returns what I want:
tflint --init --config 'path/to/config/'
tflint --config 'path/to/config/config.tflint.hcl' 'path/to/terraform/code'
tflint --init --config 'path/to/config/config.tflint.hcl' && tflint --config 'path/to/config/' 'path/to/terraform/code'
Here are the commands I use to run the docker image:
docker run -it -v "$(pwd):/tflint" --init --config '/tflint/path/to/config/config.tflint.hcl'
docker run -it -v "$(pwd):/tflint" --config '/tflint/path/to/config/config.tflint.hcl' '/tflint/path/to/terraform/code'
Which outputs:
Installing `azurerm` plugin...
Installed `azurerm` (source:, version: 0.15.0)
Failed to initialize plugins; Plugin `azurerm` not found. Did you run `tflint --init`?
I know this is creating a new container on each run which is why it's not detecting its been initialized already - My question is how can I reuse this container to pass the extra args it requires after initializing it? Or is there a better way of doing so? Any input/feedback would be appreciated :) Thank you!
Note: Here is the Dockerfile TFLint uses
FROM golang:1.18.1-alpine3.15 as builder
RUN apk add --no-cache make
WORKDIR /tflint
COPY . /tflint
RUN make build
FROM alpine:3.15.4 as prod
LABEL maintainer=terraform-linters
RUN apk add --no-cache ca-certificates
COPY --from=builder /tflint/dist/tflint /usr/local/bin
ENTRYPOINT ["tflint"]
You can change entrypoint to sh
and pass multiple commands
docker run -it -v "$(pwd):/tflint" --entrypoint=/bin/sh -c "tflint --init --config '/tflint/path/to/config/config.tflint.hcl'; tflint --config '/tflint/path/to/config/config.tflint.hcl' '/tflint/path/to/terraform/code'"