I'm exploring probability with the use of python and I want to resolve this kind of problem. I have 5 couples and from these couples, I want to extract each group of three, that doesn't contain persons from a married couple.
import itertools as it
married_couples = [["Mary","John"],["Homer","Marge"],["Beauty","Beast"],["Abigail","George"],["Marco","Luisa"]]
all_persons = []
for couples in married_couples:
for person in couples:
sample_space = list(it.combinations(all_persons,3))
# Better solution with generator:
sample_space = [s for t in it.combinations(married_couples, 3) for s in it.product(*t)]
Now I would like to proceed excluding from the sample space all results that contains people from the same married couple and I try:
correct_results = sample_space.copy()
for couple in married_couples:
for res in sample_space:
if couple[0] in res and couple[1] in res:
if res in correct_results:
Edit: I edited and put also the generator solution inside, so you can use this code for the purpose
The problem is in
if couple[0] and couple[1] in res:
because it tests not that the couple is in res
, but that the first element of the couple is not null and the second is in res
You should use:
if couple[0] in res and couple[1] in res: