I'm trying to create a pixel-perfect collision but if I try to print the collision value, I always get that the collision is on point (8, 0). this is my code, thank you.
collisionsroom1 = pygame.image.load("images/collisionsroom1.png")
characterhitbox = pygame.image.load("images/characterhitbox.png")
def collision():
mouseposx, mouseposy = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
ROOTwidth, ROOTheight = pygame.display.get_surface().get_size()
#room 1 collision
collisionsroom1 = pygame.transform.scale(collisionsroom1, (ROOTwidth/2.3, ROOTheight))
ROOT.blit(collisionsroom1, [ROOTwidth/2-room1_width/2,0])
collisionsroom1_mask = pygame.mask.from_surface(collisionsroom1)
#character hitbox
characterhitbox = pygame.transform.scale(characterhitbox, (ROOTheight/30, ROOTheight/30))
characterhitbox_width = characterhitbox.get_width()
characterhitbox_height = characterhitbox.get_height()
ROOT.blit(characterhitbox, [mouseposx-characterhitbox_width/2, mouseposy-
while True:
mouseposx, mouseposy = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
#get character updated mask position
ROOT.blit(characterhitbox, [mouseposx-characterhitbox_width/2, mouseposy-
characterhitbox_mask = pygame.mask.from_surface(characterhitbox)
#room collisions
offset = 0, 0
collision = characterhitbox_mask.overlap(collisionsroom1_mask, offset)
print (collision)
if collision:
See PyGame collision with masks. Your code can't work, because of offset = 0, 0
. The offset must be the distance between the top left corners of the images:
offset = (character_x - room_x), (charcater_y - room_y)
collision = characterhitbox_mask.overlap(collisionsroom1_mask, offset)
In the example above, (room_x
, room_y
) is the position of the room and (character_x
, character_y
) is the position of the character.