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how to create a knex migration for creating a column depending on other columns?

I have a Node.js project and I'm using knex.js as a query builder.

I have model called cuboid:

import { Id, RelationMappings } from 'objection';
import { Bag } from './Bag';
import Base from './Base';

export class Cuboid extends Base {
  id!: Id;
  width!: number;
  height!: number;
  depth!: number;
  bagId?: Id;
  bag!: Bag;
  volume!: number;

  static tableName = 'cuboids';

  static get relationMappings(): RelationMappings {
    return {
      bag: {
        relation: Base.BelongsToOneRelation,
        modelClass: 'Bag',
        join: {
          from: 'cuboids.bagId',
          to: '',

export default Cuboid;

I also have a migration where I create some columns for the cuboid table:

import { Bag, Cuboid } from '../../src/models';
import { Knex } from 'knex';

export const up = (knex: Knex): Promise<void> =>
  knex.schema.createTable(Cuboid.tableName, (table: Knex.TableBuilder) => {

export const down = (knex: Knex): Promise<void> =>

I want to create a new migration where I define a column called 'volume'. The volume needs to be the product of the width, height, and depth columns(volume = width * height * depth).

import { Knex } from 'knex';
import { Cuboid } from '../../src/models';

export const up = (knex: Knex): Promise<void> =>
  knex.schema.alterTable(Cuboid.tableName, (table: Knex.TableBuilder) => {
* how can I define this column, so that it's value is the product of other three(width,height,depth) columns
* plus the value should be updated on insert and update queries for a cuboid record
* e.g if I change the height or width so the volume should also change after being created 

// ignore the down function
export const down = (knex: Knex): Promise<void> =>

Note: the base model is created as a model from objection.js. It's something like this:

import { Model } from 'objection';
import * as path from 'path';

import knex from '../db/knex';


export default class Base extends Model {
  static get modelPaths(): string[] {
    return [path.resolve('src/models')];

The create operation is something like

bag = await Bag.query().insertGraphAndFetch({
    volume: 100,
    title: 'A bag',
    cuboids: [{ width: 2, height: 2, depth: 2 }],
//Note: A cubid belongs to a bag, so a bag is created before cuboids are assigned to it.

   cuboid = await Cuboid.query().insert({


  • This isn't achievable using migrations, rather you can implement objection.js' model methods i.e afterInsert and afterUpdate to update the Cuboid's volume after a create/update operation is performed.

    Your cuboid's model would become:

    import { Id, ModelOptions, QueryContext, RelationMappings } from 'objection';
    import { Bag } from './Bag';
    import Base from './Base';
    export class Cuboid extends Base {
      id!: Id;
      width!: number;
      height!: number;
      depth!: number;
      bagId?: Id;
      bag!: Bag;
      volume!: number;
      static tableName = 'cuboids';
      $afterInsert = async (queryContext: QueryContext) => {
        await super.$afterInsert(queryContext);
        console.log(' after insert working');
        await this.$query().updateAndFetchById(, {
          volume: this.width * this.height * this.depth,
      $afterUpdate = async (opt: ModelOptions, queryContext: QueryContext) => {
        await super.$afterUpdate(opt, queryContext);
        console.log(' after update working');
        await this.$query().updateAndFetchById(, {
          volume: this.width * this.height * this.depth,
      static get relationMappings(): RelationMappings {
        return {
          bag: {
            relation: Base.BelongsToOneRelation,
            modelClass: 'Bag',
            join: {
              from: 'cuboids.bagId',
              to: '',
    export default Cuboid;