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Overriding the init method in a subclass and calling [super initWith:bla], correct way?

I'm subclassing a class. I'm overriding a init method. This one: -(id)initWithSomething:(Something*)somet;

this would look like this (in the subclass)

-(id)initWithSomething:(Something *)somet with:(int)i{

    if (self = [super init]) {
     //do something   

    return self;

But now I want to call the init in the superclass too.

How would I now do this? Mayby this way?

-(id)initWithSomething:(Something *)somet with:(int)i{

    if (self = [super init]) {


    [super initWithSomething:somet];

    return self;


  • Typically like this:

    -(id)initWithTarget:(CCNode *)someTarget
        self = [super initWithTarget:someTarget];
        if (self)
        return self;

    It's the responsibility of super to call the vanilla init selector if it needs to.