I am using python with ecs_logg
https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/ecs-logging/python/current/installation.html. It output to a file.
Then I am having a logstash reading the logs. Here is an example of the log
{"@timestamp":"2022-03-31T11:55:49.303Z","log.level":"warning","message":"Cannot get float field. target_field: fxRate","ecs":{"version":"1.6.0"},"log":{"logger":"parser.internal.convertor","origin":{"file":{"line":317,"name":"convertor.py"},"function":"__get_double"},"original":"Cannot get float field. target_field: fxRate"},"process":{"name":"MainProcess","pid":15124,"thread":{"id":140000415979328,"name":"MainThread"}},"service":{"name":"Parser"},"trace":{"id":"264c816a6cdd1f92a26dfad80bdc3e91"},"transaction":{"id":"a8a1ed2ab0b38ca0"}}
Here is the config of my logstash:
input {
file {
path => ["/usr/share/logstash/logs/*.log"]
type => "log"
start_position => "beginning"
filter {
json {
# Move keys from 'message' json log to root level
source => "message"
mutate {
id => "Transform"
# Define the environment such as dev, uat, prod...
add_field => {
"environment" => "dev"
# Rename 'msg' key from json log to 'message'
rename => {
"msg" => "message"
# Add service name from `tag`
copy => {
"tag" => "service.name"
It seems that the logstash didn't index the field and insert into the ELK. As a result the transaction id didn't extracted out and the APM cannot correlated with the logs.
I would like to ask what is the missing part in the logstash config? and how to activate the log correlation.
Hi @Colton,
Thanks for your reply, I have a screen shot here and try to clarify the issue.
I see that the document is there. transaction
and trace
id are there also.
I can also see that types are also exist:
I want to show logs on the APM page:
After searching the apm index, I see for example :
This id exist on both log And I search this transaction id from APM, I can see it there
Index management
In order for the APM app to pick up the logs in Kibana, you have to make sure the index which stores your logs is configured in the logs UI in Kibana.
Go to the logs section of the Kibana UI, and then go to Settings at the top. Here's a screenshot:
You need to make sure your log index is included in "Log Indices".