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Bot base.load_extentstion was never awaited error message

So when I try to run my discord bot I get this error message:

RuntimeWarning: coroutine 'BotBase.load_extension' was never awaited
2022-04-30T22:38:44.714019+00:00 app[worker.1]: client.load_extension(f"cogs.{file[:-3]}")

Here is my code:

if __name__ == '__main__':
# When running this file, if it is the 'main' file
# I.E its not being imported from anther python file run this
for file in os.listdir("./cogs"):
    if file.endswith(".py") and not file.startswith("_"):
         client.load_extension(f"cogs.{file[:-3]}")"random token here")

I tried to read the other stackoverflow article on this but when I tried to do what it said it told me I cannot use await outside of function. But when I fix it using

async def main():
    # do other async things
    await my_async_function()

    # start the client
    async with client:
        await client.start(TOKEN)

and do it does not work and tells me that

 RuntimeError: cannot be called from a running event loop

Is there a way to fix this? Thank you.


  • As mentioned in the comments, in 2.0 loading extensions is async. You need to use client.start() with asyncio.

    As the error says, you can't have an already running event loop. Discord has its own event loop to manage things, so you'll have to use get_event_loop to get it instead. Then, run_until_complete suffices here because nothing else needs to run.

    import asyncio
    async def main():
        # if you need to, initialize other things, such as aiohttp
        await client.load_extension('my_extension')  # change to whatever you need
        await client.start('token')
    if __name__ == '__main__':