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Molecular MC simulation is not equilibrating

Suppose, a polymer has N monomers in its chain. I want to simulate its movement using the bead-spring model. However, there was no periodic boundary condition applied. Coz, points were generated such that they never cross the boundary.

So, I wrote the following program.

I am using 1 million steps. The energy is not fluctuating as expected. After several thousand steps the curve goes totally flat.

enter image description here

enter image description here

The X-axis is steps. Y-axis is total energy.

Can anyone check the source code and tell me what I should change?

N.B. I am especially concerned with the function that calculates the total energy of the polymer.

Probably, the algorithm is incorrect.

    public double GetTotalPotential()
        double totalBeadPotential = 0.0;
        double totalSpringPotential = 0.0;

        // calculate total bead-energy
        for (int i = 0; i < beadsList.Count; i++)
            Bead item_i = beadsList[i];
            Bead item_i_plus_1 = null;

                item_i_plus_1 = beadsList[i + 1];

                if (i != beadsList.Count - 1)
                    // calculate total spring energy.
                    totalSpringPotential += item_i.GetHarmonicPotential(item_i_plus_1);
            catch { }

            for (int j = 0; j < beadsList.Count; j++)
                if (i != j)
                    Bead item_j = beadsList[j];
                    totalBeadPotential += item_i.GetPairPotential(item_j);
                    //Console.Write(totalBeadPotential + "\n");

        return totalBeadPotential + totalSpringPotential;


  • Problem of this application is that simulations (Simulation.SimulateMotion) are run in separate thread in parallel to the draw timer (SimulationGuiForm.timer1_Tick) and share the same state (polymerChain) without any sync/signaling, so some mutations of polymerChain are skipped completely (not drawn) and when the simulation is finished (far before the finish of the drawing) the timer1_Tick will redraw the same polymerChain. You can easily check that by adding counter to Simulation and increasing it in the SimulateMotion:

    public class Simulation
        public static int Simulations = 0; // counter
        public static void SimulateMotion(PolymerChain polymerChain, int iterations)
            Random random = new Random();
            for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
                Simulations++; // bump the counter
                // rest of the code
                // ...

    And checking it in timer1_Tick:

    private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // ...
        // previous code
        if (Simulation.Simulations == totalIterations)
            // breakpoint or Console.Writeline() ...
            // will be hit as soon as "the curve goes totally flat" 

    You need to rewrite your application in such way that SimulateMotion either stores iterations in some collection which is consumed by timer1_Tick (basically implementing producer-consumer pattern, for example you can try using BlockingCollection, like I do in the pull request) or performs it's actions only when the current state is rendered.