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Where is Visual Studio 2022 storing the nupkg-files

I use Visual Studio 2022. There I have seen, that it stores the NuGet-Packages-Reference in the csproj-File as PackageReference. Now I am searching for the nupkg-files. Where are they stored in Visual Studio 2022? I didn't find them.


  • There are several locations where the nuget files are stored and/or decompressed. You get them with the following command:

    dotnet nuget locals -l all

    For me, this returns:

    C:\projects>dotnet nuget locals -l all
    http-cache: C:\Users\PMF\AppData\Local\NuGet\v3-cache
    global-packages: C:\Users\PMF\.nuget\packages\
    temp: C:\Users\PMF\AppData\Local\Temp\NuGetScratch
    plugins-cache: C:\Users\PMF\AppData\Local\NuGet\plugins-cache