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How to find data in other row with laravel-excel

I'm using maatwebsite/excel to import an excel file with laravel and save data to database In my excel file I have a column name "Ref" and an other name "toRef" In my database I have a field "toRef_id" When I import a file I want to save in toRef_id, the id create where the row with Ref was equal to toRef For example

First row : Ref = First, Name = My first data, toRef = null
Second row : Ref = Second, Name = second data, toRef = null
Third row : Ref = Third, Name = My third data, toRef = First

So I want to import the first row to database with toRef_id = null. For example the id created is 1 And when I import the second row I want to save in database the toRef_id = 1

There is my controller :

function import(){
       (new CustomImport)->import('myfile')

and CustomImport

class CustomImport implements ToModel, WithHeadingRow{
  use Importable;
  public function model(array $row){
    'name' => $row['name'],

But I don't know how to get the id of a previous created row where $previousrow['ref'] = $row['toRef']

Could you help me please ?


  • class CustomImport implements ToModel, WithHeadingRow{
      use Importable;
      public $lastRow;
      public function model(array $row){
        $this->lastRow = Data::create([
         'name' => $row['name'],
          'previousRowId' => isset($this->lastRow->id) : $this->lastRow->id ? null

    Store previous created record in varibale and access it.