I'm using Appwrite with Swift and I'm trying to use a convertTo function to get a JSON structure of a document but I'm not sure on how to proceed.
Here is the function I would like to use
public func convertTo<T>(fromJson: ([String: Any]) -> T) -> T {
return fromJson(data)
And here is my code (I'm trying to convert each document in documentLits.documents into a LocationAP struct):
Task {
let documentList = try await AppwriteVM.instance.database.listDocuments(
collectionId: "626b97104b392350d53e"
for document in documentList.documents {
let decodedDocument: LocationAP = document.convertTo(fromJson: ?????)
Here is the definition of the LocationAP struct:
struct LocationAP: Codable {
var id: String
var name: String
var latitude: Double
var longitude: Double
My problem is that I'm not sure on how to proceed with the document.convertTo(fromJson: <#T##([String : Any]) -> T#>) function, here is a screenshot of my code:
Does anyone know how to proceed?
As Joakim said you have to write a closure containing the code how to convert the dictionary
let converter : ([String:Any]) -> LocationAP = { dictionary in
// do the conversion and
// return a LocationApi instance
for document in documentList.documents {
let decodedDocument = document.convertTo(fromJson: converter)