There are a few similar questions, but none of which seem to be recent, and Microsoft's documentation doesn't list any special steps:
The @await Component.InvokeAsync("TopBooks"...
works without issue, but the <vc:top-books />
does not render. I added @addTagHelper *, WebApplication1
to the top of Index.cshtml
but the TagHelper doesn't work. If you inspect the source it's just written out as is.
I also tried adding @addTagHelper *, WebApplication1
to _ViewImports.cshtml
instead with no difference in behaviour.
I created a basic ASP.NET Core Razor Pages .NET 6 application in Visual Studio 2022. File > New > ASP.NET Core Web App > Next until completed
I then created a very simple ViewComponent
and model:
public class TopBooksViewComponent : ViewComponent {
public IViewComponentResult Invoke(MyBook book) {
return View(book);
saved as Components/TopBooksViewComponent.cs
public class MyBook {
public string Author { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
saved as Models/MyBook.cs
Next, I created the View:
@model WebApplication1.Models.MyBook
<h1>Top Books view component</h1>
<p>@Model.Title by @Model.Author</p>
saved as Pages/Shared/Components/TopBooks/Default.cshtml
Then, to try it out I opened Pages/Index.cshtml
and modified it to this:
@using WebApplication1.Components
@using WebApplication1.Models
@model IndexModel
@addTagHelper *, WebApplication1
ViewData["Title"] = "Home page";
<div class="text-center">
<h1 class="display-4">Welcome</h1>
@await Component.InvokeAsync("TopBooks", new MyBook() {Author = "John Smith", Title = "How to do stuff!"})
<vc:top-books Author="Shepard" Title="The Reapers are coming!"></vc:top-books>
As I said, the @await Component.InvokeAsync
works with no problem, but the TagHelper does nothing. As far as I can tell there isn't any other special setup required and it comes down to @addTagHelper *, WebApplication1
not working. However, I am not sure what else I can change it to. WebApplication1
is the name of my project as well.
The 2 string
arguments Author
and Title
passed via the taghelper below, don't match the signature of the Invoke
<vc:top-books Author="Shepard" Title="The Reapers are coming!"></vc:top-books>
That Invoke
method expects a MyBook
public IViewComponentResult Invoke(MyBook book)
The taghelper should pass a MyBook
object like below.
<vc:top-books book="@(new MyBook { Author = "Shepard", Title = "The Reapers are coming!" })"></vc:top-books>