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How reliable is Redis Cache for storing data with Cosmos DB

I am planning on implementing Redis cache to improve my SaaS based application in azure. And I am thinking of storing credentials (azure Key/Vault info) in Cache. Currently, I have seperate cosmos DB instance which fetches information for each customer on each request. Which happens to be very expensive in terms of Cosmos DB RUs and Time. To improve performance. I am thinking of storing Azure KeyVault info & other information in Redis cache. So, it improves the app performance.

I am looking for a suggestion, should I implement Redis cache ? or is there a better way to handle this situation ?


  • Redis is as reliable as you make it, you can setup clusters etc based on your budget really how far you want to take it, with that said saving usernames etc in a cache may or may not be a good idea, if you access redis over a public network and not a service connection or VNET you are opening yourself to possible security challenges but as long as you trust the network between your app and redis this is not a real issue just make sure you dont access it over a public network.