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Generate rows from string of numbers

by I have an Oracle 18c table that has strings like this:

    '((0 5 0, 10 10 11.18, 30 0 33.54),(50 10 33.54, 60 10 43.54))' as multipart_lines
    --There are more rows in the actual table.

    ((0 5 0, 10 10 11.18, 30 0 33.54),(50 10 33.54, 60 10 43.54))
--      v1      v2           v3           v4           v5
--  |            part 1             | |          part 2         | 
  • Individual coordinates are separated by spaces.
  • Vertices (X Y Z coordinates) are separated by commas.
  • Line parts are wrapped in brackets and separated by commas.

In a query, I want to generate rows for each vertex:

PART_NUM   VERTEX_NUM          X          Y          Z
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
         1          1          0          5          0
         1          2         10         10      11.18
         1          3         30          0      33.54
         2          1         50         10      33.54
         2          2         60         10      43.54
  • I want to do this in a query. I don't want to insert rows into a table.
  • Unfortunately, I don't have CREATE TYPE privileges in the database. But I can create functions (and of course, inline functions are an option too).

How can I generate rows from the numbers (vertices) in the string?

Related: Oracle Ideas - generate_series() function


  • As an alternative - here is how you can process the input strings to convert them to proper JSON strings; then the task becomes trivial. Showing just the JSON-ization first, separately, as it really is the meaningful part of this solution; then after I show the query and result, I will complete the solution by adding the JSON manipulation.

      inputs (id, multipart_lines) as (
        select 2810,
          '((0 5 0, 10 10 11.18, 30 0 33.54),(50 10 33.54, 60 10 43.54))'
                                      from dual union all
        select 7284, '((-2.3 0.2 3))' from dual
    , j (id, ml) as (
        select id,
                       , '\(\s*\(\s*', '[[[')
                     , '\s*\)\s*\)', ']]]')
                   , '\s*\)\s*,\s*\(\s*', '],[')
                 , '\s*,\s*', '],[')
               , '\s+', ',')
        from   inputs
    select * from j;
       ID ML                                                                  
    ----- --------------------------------------------------------------------
     2810 [[[0,5,0],[10,10,11.18],[30,0,33.54]],[[50,10,33.54],[60,10,43.54]]]
     7284 [[[-2.3,0.2,3]]] 

    Your inputs should really look like the strings in column ml in my subquery j - then you could process them like this:

      inputs (id, multipart_lines) as (
    , j (id, ml) as (
    select id, part_num, vertex_num, x, y, z
    from   j,
           json_table(ml, '$[*]'
                      columns (
                        part_num for ordinality,
                        nested path '$[*]'
                        columns (
                          vertex_num for ordinality,
                          x number path '$[0]',
                          y number path '$[1]',
                          z number path '$[2]'
    order by id, part_num, vertex_num   --  if needed

    The output is the same as in my other answer.