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how to use the ssl flags with heidisql's cli arguments?

HeidiSql supports CLI arguments:

I want to use the sslcacertificate option (-sslca or --sslcacertificate) but I keep getting errors, most likely because I am not using that flag correctly.

For example, let's say my current directory has a cert.pem which is the CA.

How do I use this with heidisql CLI arguments? Other args are omitted to reduce bloat.

heidisql.exe -sslca "./cert.pem" heidisql.exe -sslca "cert.pem" heidisql.exe -sslca="cert.pem"


Thanks for your help


  • I used --sslcacertificate="cert.pem" which works.

    Also specifiyng the full path works: --sslcacertificate="c:/cert.pem"