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running multiple processes, each with a different set of values for the environment variable

I have a number of jobs. Typically I start the jobs manually by opening a number of terminal windows, and in each terminal window setting certain environment variables to different values and then invoking my programs manually. For example:

Terminal 1 commands:

Terminal 2 commands:


Terminal 8 commands:

As you can see in each terminal I invoke some application ( and each uses a different value for OMP_NUM_THREADS. Now I want to write a script (bash or python, whichever is most suitable) that generalizes this. In other words I can pass a jobs number (say --jobs=2 for example) as well as an array A[] that is equal in length to --jobs, as well as a list of N applications (, ...., Then I want to execute all the N applications, where at each instant at most --jobs applications are running in parallel. Furthermore the each application is supposed to use the value in A[#current job number] for its environment variable. In other words I am looking for something like this:

parfor i=1...N

where at most --jobs applications are ever run in parallel. What is the best way to do this? I know that the GNU parallel tool could be used to do this, but I am not sure how I could assign a different set of environment variables based on the current jobs number. Notice that the job number is an integer between 1 and --jobs, which guarantees that the same set of environment variable values are never used simultaneously. Thanks


  • It is unclear to me what you want, but lets see if we together can build it.

    app1() {
        export OMP_NUM_THREADS=$1
        sleep 1
        echo app1 $OMP_NUM_THREADS
    app2() {
        export OMP_NUM_THREADS=$1
        sleep 1
        echo app2 $OMP_NUM_THREADS
    app3() {
        export OMP_NUM_THREADS=$1
        sleep 1
        echo app3 $OMP_NUM_THREADS
    app4() {
        export OMP_NUM_THREADS=$1
        sleep 1
        echo app4 $OMP_NUM_THREADS
    export -f app1 app2 app3 app4
    parallel app{1} {2} ::: 1 2 3 4 :::+ 2 3 5 7

    Or compute OMP_NUM_THREADS based on job number using Perl code

    seq 4 | parallel app{} '{= $_= seq()*seq()+1 =}' 

    To guarantee that not two jobs use the same value (often used for CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES), you can use the job slot number:

    # 0..3
    seq 10 | parallel -j 4 'CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES={= $_=slot()-1 =} app{}'


    # 1..4
    seq 10 | parallel -j 4 'app{} {%}'