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Use quorum queue of RqbbitMQ in abp framework

In the ABP framework, how to use the quorum queue of RabbitMQ?

I added a class that implements the IRabbitMqMessageConsumerFactory interface, like below, but it doesn't work.

Is there anything else I can try?

[Dependency(ReplaceServices = true)]
public class RabbitMqQuorumMessageConsumerFactory : RabbitMqMessageConsumerFactory
    public RabbitMqQuorumMessageConsumerFactory(IServiceScopeFactory serviceScopeFactory) : base(


    public new IRabbitMqMessageConsumer Create(
        ExchangeDeclareConfiguration exchange,
        QueueDeclareConfiguration queue,
        string connectionName = null)
        const string quorumQueueType = "quorum";
        const string queueTypeName = "x-queue-type";
        var consumer = ServiceScope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<RabbitMqMessageConsumer>();
        if (queue.Arguments.ContainsKey(queueTypeName))

        queue.Arguments.Add(queueTypeName, quorumQueueType);
        consumer.Initialize(exchange, queue, connectionName);
        return consumer;


  • In order to use the quorum queues, you'll need to cluster multiple nodes (at least 3) together. More info on the clustering can be found here:

    On the quorum queue page of RabbitMQ it also shows how many nodes you need for a specific fault tolerance ( enter image description here

    So it isn't just setting the x-queue-type to quorum, but actually connecting multiple nodes/machines together.

    If you want to understand more about how quorum queues work, I'd suggest reading this link: It explains more about how the quorum queues actually work and how the Raft Consensus Algorithm works which RabbitMQ uses for Quorum Queues.

    This is just a suggestion, but since you want to use quorum queues, it seems like you don't want to lose any messages. So I would take a look at Durable Queues and Persistent Messages