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dotnet restore in Github Actions gives 401 unauthorized

a NET6 project on GitHub cannot be dotnet-restored in GitHub Actions. dotnet restore works fine locally. Looking at the Action logs, it seems GH looks for Microsoft dependencies in my GitHub Packages Repo. System.Linq is MS-stuff.

  Retrying 'FindPackagesByIdAsync' for source ''.
  Response status code does not indicate success: 401 (Unauthorized).
/home/runner/.dotnet/sdk/6.0.202/NuGet.targets(130,5): warning : Your request could not be authenticated by the GitHub Packages service. Please ensure your access token is valid and has the appropriate scopes configured. [/home/runner/work/meh/meh/meh.sln]

Further below in the pipeline there is a step to publish the result to the GitHub Packages registry, however in the project itself I am only using public NuGet references. I am not sure why GH Actions looks for the .NET stuff in my registry. I even have the public NuGet feed configured in my nuget.config:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <clear />
        <add key="nuget" value="" />
        <add key="github" value="" />

Does anyone know what's the problem here?


  • You are using GitHub packages here, you have to authenticate yourself.
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