I am looking to get the closest match between two columns of string
data type in two separate tables. I don't think the content matters too much. There are words that I can match by pre-processing the data (lower all letters, replace spaces and stop words, etc...) and doing a join. However I get around 80 matches out of over 350. It is important to know that the length of each table is different.
I did try to use some code I found online but it isn't working:
def Races_chien(df1,df2):
myList = []
total = len(df1)
possibilities = list(df2['Rasse'])
s = SequenceMatcher(isjunk=None, autojunk=False)
for idx1, df1_str in enumerate(df1['Race']):
my_str = ('Progress : ' + str(round((idx1 / total) * 100, 3)) + '%')
sys.stdout.write('\r' + str(my_str))
# get 1 best match that has a ratio of at least 0.7
best_match = get_close_matches(df1_str, possibilities, 1, 0.7)
s.set_seq2(df1_str, best_match)
myList.append([df1_str, best_match, s.ratio()])
return myList
It says: TypeError: set_seq2() takes 2 positional arguments but 3 were given
How can I make this work?
Here is an answer I finally got:
from fuzzywuzzy import process, fuzz
value = []
similarity = []
for i in df1.col:
ratio = process.extract(i, df2.col, limit= 1)
df1['value'] = pd.Series(value)
df1['similarity'] = pd.Series(similarity)
This will add the value with the closest match from df2 in df1 together with the similarity %