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HTML & JavaScript. Trying to target a text input from an adjoining anchor

I have an HTML table. On the table I have an input textbox. Next to it. (appended in the HTML) I have an anchor. All I want the anchor to do (at the moment), is get and set the value in the textbox.

Here is my (abbreviated code) HTML Code:

  <td class="t-Report-cell" headers="DEPARTMENT">
    <input type="text" name="f02" size="20" maxlength="2000" value="" col_name="DEPARTMENT" class="u-TF-item u-TF-item--text" autocomplete="off" />
    <td class="t-Report-cell" headers="DESCRIPTION">
      <input type="text" name="f03" size="20" maxlength="2000" value="soup" col_name="DESCRIPTION" class="u-TF-item u-TF-item--text" autocomplete="off">
      <a href="javascript:get_desc( $(this).closest('tr') );" class="a-Button a-Button--popupLOV">
        <span class="a-Icon icon-popup-lov">
                            <span class="visuallyhidden">List</span>
      <input type="hidden" id="fcs_0001" name="fcs" value="FB0D0992B787C5475D897B224F1FAE9D7547BC497FADE2E32B252FFAE2F31CE235225E0D645509C8E3576895FB814229B832CBF0BC11DA3F784FDE9BD5ADED86" autocomplete="off">
      <input type="hidden" id="fcud_0001" name="fcud" value="U" autocomplete="off" />

Notice I have an input type=text name=f03 with a value of "soup" (I've also given it another attribute to try and target it. (col_name="DESCRIPTION")

Then under it, I have an anchor which calls a JavaScript function and passes in the current row.

My simple function does the following:

function get_desc(thisRow) {

  var desc = thisRow.find("input[name='f03']");

So it passes in the current row, looks for the input, then tries to get the value.

enter image description hereI can see on console.log that the correct selector is found, but nothing I do gets the value.

As I say, I have lots of JavaScript code in my app, so I've been staring at this wondering what I'm doing wrong


  • Some debugging shows that this is the window object when you use <a href="javascript:get_desc(this);", :

    function get_desc(link) {
      console.log(link === window);
    <a href="javascript:get_desc(this);">click me</a>

    If you must use html attributes, then you can use onclick='get_desc(this):

    function get_desc(link) {
      thisRow =  $(link).closest('tr') 
      var desc = thisRow.find("input[name='f03']");
          <input type="text" name="f03" value="soup">
          <a href="javascript:return false;" onclick="get_desc(this);">click me</a>

    Alternatively, embrace jquery events (or vanilla events)

    $(".link").click(function() { 
      thisRow =  $(this).closest('tr') 
      var desc = thisRow.find("input[name='f03']");
          <input type="text" name="f03" value="soup">
          <a href="javascript:return false;" class='link'>click me</a>