I have an asp.net process which also consumes messages from a servicebus (MassTransit). For webrequests my database session is resolved with a PerWebRequest lifestyle.
But when the process consumes a message from MassTransit I need the database session to have another lifestyle, as no HttpContext is available.
I have made this:
public class PerRequestLifeStyleManager : ILifestyleManager
readonly PerWebRequestLifestyleManager perWebRequestLifestyleManager;
readonly PerThreadLifestyleManager perThreadLifestyleManager;
public PerRequestLifeStyleManager()
perWebRequestLifestyleManager = new PerWebRequestLifestyleManager();
perThreadLifestyleManager = new PerThreadLifestyleManager();
public void Init(IComponentActivator componentActivator, IKernel kernel, ComponentModel model)
perWebRequestLifestyleManager.Init(componentActivator, kernel, model);
perThreadLifestyleManager.Init(componentActivator, kernel, model);
public object Resolve(CreationContext context)
return GetManager().Resolve(context);
public bool Release(object instance)
return GetManager().Release(instance);
public void Dispose()
ILifestyleManager GetManager()
if (HttpContext.Current != null)
return perWebRequestLifestyleManager;
return perThreadLifestyleManager;
Can anyone tell me, if this is the right way to go? And if it isn't, what is?
EDIT: I have just updated the question with some code that seems to work (before it was untested). I still am eager to know if this - seen from a Windsor perspective - is safe and sound.
Try using one of the hybrid lifestyles.