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Run Process keyword doesn't run the .exe file on Team city

My robot framework test contains part, where I run .exe file. I am using Run process keyword from Process library.

${result}    Run Process    path_to_the_file/file.exe    cwd=path_to_the_file/

When I run this locally, the file is executed and response is like this:

14:35:34.553    INFO    Waiting for process to complete.    
14:35:34.634    INFO    Process completed.  
14:35:34.634    TRACE   Return: <robot.libraries.Process.ExecutionResult object at 0x055963D0>  
14:35:34.634    INFO    ${result} = <result object with rc 0>

When I run this test on Team City, the file is not executed ( properly )

5:27:27.587     INFO    Waiting for process to complete.    
15:27:27.786    INFO    Process completed.  
15:27:27.786    TRACE   Return: <robot.libraries.Process.ExecutionResult object at 0x012C1310>  
15:27:27.786    INFO    ${result} = <result object with rc 3221225781>

Edit: I tried google for that return code from Team city run and I found something like this:

3221225781 = [$id=DLL_NOT_FOUND, $desc={Unable To Locate Component} This application has failed to start because %hs was not found. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.]

Does anyone have this sort of experience and what can I do with it?

EDIT2: after deeper analysis I found out, that there are missing DLLs on the agent. So once I'll add missing DLLs I'll know if that was a source of this isue


  • So the solution for this issue was to add missing DLLs. Once I added the newest version of Microsoft Visual C++ package, the Run Process executed the .exe file properly.