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What should be the value of the sku field when creating Azure NAT Gateway?

I want to create a NAT gateway and there is a parameter called SKU is there in the list of parameters. Here is the code for the same

$nat = @{
        ResourceGroupName = $coreResourceGroupName
        Name = $natGatewayName
        Sku = 'Standard'
        Location = $location
        PublicIpAddress = $publicIP
$natGateway = New-AzNatGateway @nat

Now I am wondering whether I can give 'Premium' in place of 'Standard' for the Sku field. I have googled and seen multiple examples, but everywhere I see they are using 'Standard' only.

So what are the acceptable values of the paramenter 'Sku' while creating NAT gateway?


  • So what are the acceptable values of the paramenter _**'Sku'**_ while creating NAT gateway?

    Yes, NAT is only compatible with standard SKU public IP, public IP prefix, and load balancer resources. It is not supported to work with basic and other SKU's.

    You can refer this MSFT-Document for limitations.

    You can also refer to this Terraform-Document which is a wrapper over azure powershell where it's clearly mentioned that NAT SKU field supports Standard only.