So I have the following AWS call I am mocking out
const db = new aws.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
await db.get({
TableName: myTable,
Key: { 'id': id }
with the mock being:
MockAws = {
DynamoDB: {
DocumentClient: class {
get = sinon.stub().returns({promise: async () => (awsDynamoRespose)})
lambda = proxyquire('../src/handler', {
'aws-sdk' : MockAws
So this works, I see it returning my object, and the code can be tested. However, since the code under test doesn't return anything, I have to assert by the mocked calls, which when I try to assert, get is undefined.
console.log(MockAws.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.get) //returns undefined
sinon.assert.calledOnce(MockAws.DynamoDB.DocumentClient.get) //returns fake is not a spy
I have to be close here. How can the method be returning an object, but yet then be undefined? DocumentClient does exist.
Continue my streak of finding an answering only after posting....
let awsMockGet
//inside before each
awsMockGet = sinon.stub().returns({promise: async () => (awsDynamoRespose)})
MockAws = {
DynamoDB: {
DocumentClient: class {
get = awsMockGet
in test