I would like to extract 10.00ML in following byte: b'\x0200S10.00ML\x03' So I've tried extracting the 10.00ML between 200S and \x03:
result = re.search(b'200S(.*)x03', b'\x0200S10.00ML\x03')
which didn't work, no element was found:
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'
Using only strings I have a minimum working example:
test_string = 'a3223b'
result = re.search('a(.*)b', test_string)
You can use
import re
text = b'\x0200S10.00ML\x03'
m = re.search(rb'\x0200S(.*?)\x03', text, re.S)
if m:
print( m.group(1).decode('utf-8') )
# => 10.00ML
Note that \x02
and \x03
are START OF HEADING and START OF TEXT control chars, so you cannot match them as literal text.