What is the best solution to quickly cancel long running processes inside background worker? For example, we have such situation:
private void DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
for (int i = 0; i < items; i++)
if (_worker.CancellationPending == true)
e.Cancel = true;
private void VeryLongRunningProcess()
var a = Test();
var b = Test2();
var c = Test3();
In such case, VeryLongRunningProcess() will be not finished on pressing cancel until he finished everything inside his body.
What to do in such cases?
I tried to pass (BackgroundWorker)sender to VeryLongRunningProcess() as param and inside this method check for CancellationPending, but i dont know is this correct way or not
If the problem is isolated your VeryLongRunningProcess from classes like the worker, you can use a Func as a parameter and leave outside your method the worker access
private void VeryLongRunningProcess(Func<bool> isCancelled)
var a = Test();
if (isCancelled())
var b = Test2();
if (isCancelled())
var c = Test3();
Inside your method, you may check if you must cancel the operation as many times you need. And you can use the Func as a parameter in other methods like Test1, Test2... if any of them takes long time to finish.
Then, you invoke your method in this form:
VeryLongRunningProcess(() => _worker.CancellationPending);
As other people comment, maybe interesting use async/await.
Another way to do if you want choose the use or not of the cancellation:
private void VeryLongRunningProcess(Func<bool> isCancelled = null)
var a = Test();
// Or: isCancelled != null && isCancelled()
if (isCancelled?.Invoke() ?? false)
// ...