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Regexp regular/recursive find/replace in Notepad++

How to split some strings defined in a specific format:

[length namevalue field]name=value[length namevalue field]name=value[length namevalue field]name=value[length namevalue field]name=value

Is it possible with a Find/Replace regex in Notepad++ isolate the pair name=value replacing [length namevalue field] with a white space? The main problem is related to numeric value where a simple \d{4} search doesn't work.





name=mario surname=rossi age=18 phone= address=street
name=mario surname=rossi age=18 phone= address=street
name=marianna surname=rossi age=21 phone= address=street1
name=pia surname=rossini age=3 phone=+3922112233 address=streetstreet


  • You can use


    See the regex demo.

    The patterns match

    • \d{4} - four digits
    • (?=[[:alpha:]]\w*=) - that are immediately followed with a letter and then any zero or more word chars followed with a = char immediately to the right of the current position.
    • (?=[^\W\d]\w*=) - that are immediately followed with a letter or an underscore and then any zero or more word chars followed with a = char immediately to the right of the current position.

    In Notepad++, if you want to remove the match at the start of the line and replace with space anywhere else, you can use


    and replace with (?1: ). The above explained pattern, \d{4}(?=[[:alpha:]]\w*=), is matched and captured into Group 1 if it is at the start of a line (^), and just matched anywhere else ((?1) recurses the Group 1 pattern, so as not to repeat it). The (?1: ) replacement means we replace with empty string if Group 1 matched, else, we replace with a space.

    See the demo screenshot:

    enter image description here