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Spring Boot Security using http instead of https when forwarding to login page

I am using Spring Boot Security with a custom AuthenticationProvider to secure a Java Spring Boot application. Attempts to access the application via a browser are directed to a custom login page. The body of my security config class is pasted below:-

public class SecurityConfiguration {

    public AuthenticationProvider authenticationProvider() {
        return new DocumentumAuthenticationProvider();

    public SecurityFilterChain filterChain(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {

    public WebSecurityCustomizer webSecurityCustomizer() {
        return (web) -> web.ignoring().antMatchers("/retrieve/**", "/upload/**", "/content/css/**", "/content/scripts/**", "/content/images/**", "/content/images/**");

    public BCryptPasswordEncoder encodePWD() {
        return new BCryptPasswordEncoder();

This all works fine when I run my services locally within my IDE. For the next step, I containerised my application and deployed it to an AWS EC2 server. I have configured a custom HTTPS port for the app and have added a corresponding listener to the Application Load Balancer.

The issue is that when a user attempts to access the app in a browser over https, Spring Security is forwarding the user to a login page using http instead of https as the protocol e.g. user enters the following address in the browser: -


..and is forwarded here..


Because this is an https port, the user sees this error page:-

http instead of https error message

If the user manually changes the protocol to https in the browser address bar, it then works fine.

I would be very grateful if anyone would be able to advise me why Spring Boot Security is behaving this way and what steps I can take to force it to use https in the login URL. Many thanks for reading my post!


  • You should configure the Application Load Balancer (ALB) to terminate SSL (i.e. register certificate etc). If this is configured correctly, the ALB will automatically add a header (X-Forwarded-Proto) that tells Spring Security that it needs to use HTTPS for its redirects.