I try to gray out some slash commands that only someone with the right permissions can use. I found out that you can gray them out for everyone if you set default_permission = False
. Then I found out that theres a permissions attribute that you can provide. But I just can't get it working.
I tried using it like this permissions = [discord.CommandPermission(id=8589934592, type=3)]
But with this the command is disabled for everyone.
My complete command looks like this:
@slash_command(name='testcommand', description='its just a test', guild_ids = [831161440705839124], permissions = [discord.CommandPermission(id=8589934592, type=3)])
async def testcommand(self, ctx, channel : Option(discord.TextChannel, "a normal test", required = True)):
print("Test passed!")
If anyone knows how I am supposed to use the permissions attribute or another way to disable slash commands that require specific permissions, please let me know!
I don't know if it changes anything but I'm using Pycord 2.0.0b5
Looking at the source code for the permission decorator, it becomes apparent that your type
integer is invalid (not sure why they didn't write any validation or documentation for this, I guess they anticipated everyone would use the @permissions
def decorator(func: Callable):
if not role_id is None:
app_cmd_perm = CommandPermission(role_id, 1, permission, guild_id)
elif not user_id is None:
app_cmd_perm = CommandPermission(user_id, 2, permission, guild_id)
raise ValueError("role_id or user_id must be specified!")
If you are trying to whitelist a role, you should provide type 1, if you want to whitelist a user, provide type 2
On a side note, Discord have just released their improved slash command permission system allowing you much, much more flexibility on who can use which command and where. It will probably be a bit until this is supported by Pycord, but you might want to keep an eye on this in the next weeks