I retrieve a bunch of data using the Tidyquant API, as follows:
symbols_list <- c('DGS2', 'DGS5', 'DGS10', 'DGS30')
start_date <- as.Date('2022-01-01')
end_date <- as.Date('2022-03-31')
for (asset in symbols_list){
# retrieves the data
assign(paste('sym', asset, sep = '_'), tq_get(asset,
from = start_date,
to = end_date,
get = 'economic.data') %>%
The data looks as follows:
# A tibble: 64 x 3
symbol date price
<chr> <date> <dbl>
1 DGS5 2022-01-03 1.37
2 DGS5 2022-01-04 1.37
3 DGS5 2022-01-05 1.43
4 DGS5 2022-01-06 1.47
5 DGS5 2022-01-07 1.5
6 DGS5 2022-01-10 1.53
7 DGS5 2022-01-11 1.51
8 DGS5 2022-01-12 1.5
9 DGS5 2022-01-13 1.47
10 DGS5 2022-01-14 1.55
# ... with 54 more rows
I would like to rename the generic price
column with the names of the symbols. In this case, I would like to rename "price" as "DGS5" To do so, I use the rename()
function and the dpyr
pipe, as follows:
start_date <- as.Date('2022-01-01')
end_date <- as.Date('2022-03-31')
symbol_list <- c('T10Y2Y', 'DGS2', 'DGS5', 'DGS10', 'DGS30')
for (asset in symbol_list){
# retrieves the data
assign(paste('sym', asset, sep = '_'), tq_get(asset,
from = start_date,
to = end_date,
get = 'economic.data'
) %>% rename(asset = price)
But, doing so gives:
# A tibble: 64 x 3
symbol date asset
<chr> <date> <dbl>
1 DGS5 2022-01-03 1.37
2 DGS5 2022-01-04 1.37
3 DGS5 2022-01-05 1.43
4 DGS5 2022-01-06 1.47
5 DGS5 2022-01-07 1.5
6 DGS5 2022-01-10 1.53
7 DGS5 2022-01-11 1.51
8 DGS5 2022-01-12 1.5
9 DGS5 2022-01-13 1.47
10 DGS5 2022-01-14 1.55
# ... with 54 more rows
Notice how the column was renamed to "asset". I would have expected the column to be renamed to "DGS5".
What did I do incorrectly here?
Note that you have a data-variable in a function argument (i.e. an env-variable that holds a promise, you need to embrace the argument by surrounding it in doubled braces. This is called [INDIRECTION], which is a glue
If you want to use the names of variables in the output, you can use glue syntax in conjunction with :=
Therefore you get
rename({{asset}} = price)
Check here for more information