please help me with this problem I've been struggling all day lol, solution in either Python or R is fine! Please help I'm really stuck!!!
I have two dataframes - df1 has 44 rows, df2 has 100 rows, they both have these columns: ID, status (0,1), Age, Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Height, Weight
for each row in df1, I need to find an age match in df2:
I have tried R and Python, and both stuck on the nested loops part. I'm not sure how to loop through each record both df1 and df2, compare df1 age with df2 age-5 and df2 age+5, and store the matches
Here are the sample data format for df1 and df2: | ID | sex | age | race | | -------- | -------------- |--------|-------| | 284336 | female | 42.8 | 2 | | 294123 | male | 48.5 | 1 |
Here is what I've attempted in R:
id_match <- NULL
for (i in 1:nrow(gwi_case)){
age <- gwi_case$age[i]
gender <- gwi_case$gender[i]
ethnicity <- gwi_case$hispanic_non[i]
race <- gwi_case$race[i]
x <- which(gwi_control$gender==gender & gwi_control$age>=age-5 & gwi_control$age<=age+5 & gwi_control$hispanic_non==ethnicity & gwi_control$race==race)
y <- sample(x, min(2, length(x)))
id_match <- c(id_match, y)
id_match <- id_match[!duplicated(id_match)]
The question asks this:
, find an age match in df2
such that df2[age] - 5 <= df1[age] <= df2[age] + 5
Here is some Python code that:
with a list of unique df2
ages matching each unique df1
on df2
for each age in df1
to populate idMatches
with a list of df2
IDs with age matching each unique df1
with unique df1
age keys and with values that are lists of 2 (or fewer if available number < 2) randomly selected df2
IDs of matching agedf1
containing the pair of selected df2
IDs corresponding to each row's age (i.e., the values in age1ToID2
)import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'ID':list(range(101,145)), 'Age':[v % 11 + 21 for v in range(44)], 'Height':[67]*44})
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'ID':list(range(1,101)), 'Age':[v % 10 + 14 for v in range(50)] + [v % 20 + 25 for v in range(0,100,2)], 'Height':[67]*100})
ages1 = np.sort(df1['Age'].unique())
ages2 = np.sort(df2['Age'].unique())
ageMatches = [[] for _ in ages1]
j1, j2 = 0, 0
for i, age1 in enumerate(ages1):
while j1 < len(ages2) and ages2[j1] < age1 - 5:
j1 += 1
if j2 <= j1:
j2 = j1 + 1
while j2 < len(ages2) and ages2[j2] <= age1 + 5:
j2 += 1
ageMatches[i] += list(ages2[j1:j2])
idMatches = [df2.query('Age in @m')['ID'].to_list() for i, m in enumerate(ageMatches)]
# select random pair of df2 IDs for each unique df1 age and put them into a new df1 column
from random import sample
age1ToID2 = {ages1[i]:m if len(m) < 2 else sample(m, 2) for i, m in enumerate(idMatches)}
df1['df2_matches'] = df1['Age'].apply(lambda x: age1ToID2[x])
ID Age Height df2_matches
0 101 21 67 [24, 30]
1 102 22 67 [50, 72]
2 103 23 67 [10, 37]
3 104 24 67 [63, 83]
4 105 25 67 [83, 49]
5 106 26 67 [20, 52]
6 107 27 67 [49, 84]
7 108 28 67 [54, 55]
8 109 29 67 [91, 55]
9 110 30 67 [65, 51]
10 111 31 67 [75, 72]
11 112 21 67 [24, 30]
42 143 30 67 [65, 51]
43 144 31 67 [75, 72]
This hopefully provides the result and intermediate collections that OP is asking for, or something close enough to get to the desired result.
Alternatively, to have the random selection be different for each row in df1
, we can do this:
# select random pair of df2 IDs for each df1 row and put them into a new df1 column
from random import sample
age1ToID2 = {ages1[i]:m for i, m in enumerate(idMatches)}
def foo(x):
m = age1ToID2[x]
return m if len(m) < 2 else sample(m, 2)
df1['df2_matches'] = df1['Age'].apply(foo)
ID Age Height df2_matches
0 101 21 67 [71, 38]
1 102 22 67 [71, 5]
2 103 23 67 [9, 38]
3 104 24 67 [49, 61]
4 105 25 67 [27, 93]
5 106 26 67 [40, 20]
6 107 27 67 [9, 19]
7 108 28 67 [53, 72]
8 109 29 67 [82, 53]
9 110 30 67 [74, 62]
10 111 31 67 [52, 62]
11 112 21 67 [71, 39]
42 143 30 67 [96, 66]
43 144 31 67 [63, 83]