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Return SQL Query as bash array

First Post. Bash novice. Couldn't find an effective solution.

Looking for an efficient parsing method / alternative method

My initial attempt: (+ edit thanks to @larks)

services=($($PSQL "SELECT array(select name from services);"))

echo ${services[@]}
>array -------------------------------- {Shampoo,Dying,Long-cut} (1 row)
echo ${#services[@]}
echo ${services[2]}

I'm looking to end up with an array identical to the ones below but without creating a csv in the process.

echo $($PSQL "\copy (select name from services) to 'services.csv';")

readarray arr -t a < services.csv
echo ${arr[@]}
>Shampoo Dying Long-cut
echo ${#services[@]}


  • Your services variable is not an array; to create an array you need to surround the value with (...). For example, compare this:

    $ example=$(echo one two three)
    $ echo ${example[0]}
    one two three

    With this:

    $ example=( $(echo one two three) )
    $ echo ${example[0]}

    So assuming that your $PSQL command generates output in an appropriate format, you want:

    services=( $($PSQL "SELECT array(select name from services);") )

    For what you're trying to do in your question, I don't see any reason to use the array function. Given a table like this:

    CREATE TABLE services (
        id serial primary key,
        name text
    INSERT INTO services (name) VALUES ('foo');
    INSERT INTO services (name) VALUES ('bar');
    INSERT INTO services (name) VALUES ('qux');

    A query like this will produce results amendable for turning into a bash array:

    $ psql -t --csv  -U postgres -d arraytest -c 'select name from services'

    In a bash script:

    services=( $(psql -t --csv  -U postgres -d arraytest -c 'select name from services') )
    for service in "${services[@]}"; do
      echo "SERVICE: $service"

    Which produces:

    SERVICE: foo
    SERVICE: bar
    SERVICE: qux