I model on an ancient PC and recently got some lab funds for a new modeling computer. The choice of processor confounds me. For optimal AnyLogic simulation modeling, should I focus on maxing out the single-core speed or max the number of processor cores? Also, would a high-end graphics card help? I have heard from my engineering colleagues that for certain modeling tools that they do help with the work load. Any advice helps. Thanks.
This is what AnyLogic answered when I asked for the perfect computer to buy:
The recommended platform for AnyLogic is a powerful PC/laptop running 64-bit operating system (Windows preferable), plus CPU with multiple cores like i7 and at least 8 Gb of RAM.
In general, faster CPU (3GHz or more recommended) means faster single run execution. More cores means faster execution of the experiments running the model multiple times in parallel (optimization, parameter variation, monte carlo, etc.). Also, pedestrians and transporters benefit from many cores (even single run, since the algorithm causing movement of pedestrians and transporters uses all available cores). For the time being, AnyLogic doesn't support GPU processing. RAM is crucial when you have a lot of agents and many parallel runs (e.g. if single run takes 1GB, then 8 parallel runs will take 8 Gb). For working with GIS map, it may be needed to have a good connection to the Internet. For example, if model requests a lot of routes from online route provider.
On average, a middle-end PC/laptop in sufficient for most of the models, high-end PC or server/instance will be useful in case of really heavy models.