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When accessing a public var that's been modified inside a for loop, i cannot see a change

I have a public variable which we call Tpus, I modify this value within an infinite for loop, however i get 2 different results when i try to print Tpus in the for loop, and in a goroutine outside the for loop, What im looking to do is get the same result in the goroutine as i get in the for loop.

    var Tpus []string
    func TPU_Calc(destination string) {
        clusternodes := GetClusterNodes(destination)
        go func() {
            time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
            for {
                time.Sleep(150 * time.Millisecond)
                //fmt.Printf("\n + %e", Tpus)
        for {
            slot := GetSlot(destination)
            slotleaders := GetSlotLeaders(destination, strconv.FormatUint(slot+10, 10))
            for x := 0; x < 80; x++ {
                for z := 0; z < len(clusternodes.Result); z++ {
                    if slotleaders[x] == clusternodes.Result[z].Pubkey {
                        if len(Tpus) >= 2 {
                            X := RemoveIndex(Tpus, 0)
                            Tpus = append(X, clusternodes.Result[x].Tpu)
                            fmt.Printf("\n + %e", Tpus)
                        } else {
                            Tpus = append(Tpus, clusternodes.Result[x].Tpu)

Result From Code Above:

  • [%!e(string= %!e(string=]
  • [%!e(string= %!e(string=]
  • [%!e(string= %!e(string=]
  • [%!e(string= %!e(string=]
  • [%!e(string= %!e(string=]
  • [%!e(string= %!e(string=]
  • [%!e(string= %!e(string=]
    var Tpus []string
    func TPU_Calc(destination string) {
        clusternodes := GetClusterNodes(destination)
        go func() {
            time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
            for {
                time.Sleep(150 * time.Millisecond)
                fmt.Printf("\n + %e", Tpus)
        for {
            slot := GetSlot(destination)
            slotleaders := GetSlotLeaders(destination, strconv.FormatUint(slot+10, 10))
            for x := 0; x < 80; x++ {
                for z := 0; z < len(clusternodes.Result); z++ {
                    if slotleaders[x] == clusternodes.Result[z].Pubkey {
                        if len(Tpus) >= 2 {
                            X := RemoveIndex(Tpus, 0)
                            Tpus = append(X, clusternodes.Result[x].Tpu)
                            //fmt.Printf("\n + %e", Tpus)
                        } else {
                            Tpus = append(Tpus, clusternodes.Result[x].Tpu)

Result From Code Above:

  • [%!e(string= %!e(string=]
  • [%!e(string= %!e(string=]
  • [%!e(string= %!e(string=]
  • [%!e(string= %!e(string=]
  • [%!e(string= %!e(string=]
  • [%!e(string= %!e(string=]
  • [%!e(string= %!e(string=]


  • var globalvar []string
    func main() {
        var mu sync.Mutex
        go func() {
            for {
                // Block access to a global variable, so that
                // no one can change it outside the goroutine.
                // If it's already locked outside the goroutine,
                // then wait for unlocking.
                // Some actions with a global variable...
                fmt.Printf("%v\n", globalvar)
                // Unlocking access to a global variable
                // Some code...
        for i := 0; i < 255; i++ {
            // Block access to a global variable.
            // If it's already locked inside the goroutine,
            // then wait for unlocking.
            // Some actions with a global variable
            globalvar = append(globalvar, "Str #"+strconv.Itoa(i))
            // Unlock access
            // Some code...

    Also you can define a special structure with mutex, value and methods for change it value. Something like this:

    type TpusContainer struct {
        mu    sync.Mutex
        value []string
    func (t *TpusContainer) RemoveIndex(i int) {
        t.value = RemoveIndex(t.value, i)
    func (t *TpusContainer) Append(elem string) {
        t.value = append(t.value, elem)
    func (t *TpusContainer) String() string {
        return fmt.Sprintf("%v", t.value)
    var Tpus TpusContainer
    func main() {
        go func() {
            for {
                fmt.Printf("%v\n", Tpus)
        for i := 0; i < 255; i++ {
            Tpus.Append("Some string #"+strconv.Itoa(i))

    Personally, I prefer the second approach.