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Flutter localisation method not generating correctly with plural placeholder

I'm currently localizing my flutter app using the intl package.

I have a localised text that contains two placeholders: userName and dayCount, where I have used the plural syntax for dayCount.

Here is the snippet from my .arb file:

  "prolongationRequested": "{userName} requested prolongation by {daysCount, plural, =1{1 day} other{{daysCount} days}}",
  "@prolongationRequested": {
    "placeholders": {
      "userName": {},
      "daysCount": {}

So far so good, but the auto generated method in the AppLocalizationsEn class completely ignores everything from the text except the daysCount placeholder. This is the generated method:

  String prolongationRequested(Object userName, num daysCount) {
    return intl.Intl.pluralLogic(
      locale: localeName,
      one: '1 day',
      other: '$daysCount days',

My expectation would be for the method to look like this:

  String prolongationRequested(Object userName, num daysCount) {

    final String pluralString = intl.Intl.pluralLogic(
      locale: localeName,
      one: '1 day',
      other: '$daysCount days',

    return '$userName requested prolongation by ${pluralString}';

Interestingly enough the method gets generated correctly if I remove one of the placeholders, or if I remove the plural syntax from daysCount.

Why is the method not being generated as expected?


  • You may adapt your plural on the prolongationRequested var inside the .arb file using this configuration or similar:

    "{count,plural, =0{{count} sample0} =1{{count} sample1} =2{{count} sample2} few{{count} sampleFew} many{{count} sampleMany} other{{count} sampleOther}}"