Is there a way to have my SublimeLinter flake8 linter only run on *.py
files? I know there is an exclude
key in the settings where I can specify files to ignore, but I'm looking for something more like an include
setting so I can disable flake8 linting on all non-python files.
My linter settings:
"flake8": {
"args": ["--ignore=E251,E501"],
"disable": false,
"disable_if_not_dependency": false,
"env": {},
"excludes": [],
"executable": "~/miniconda3/bin/flake8",
"filter_errors": [],
"lint_mode": "background",
"python": 3,
"selector": "",
"styles": [{"codes": [""]}],
"working_dir": ""
from the SublimeLinter docs:
you'd set selector
. this appears to use the textmate selector syntax so you'd want to select something like:
"selector": "source.python",
matching the textmate selector from the python grammar:
scopeName: "source.python"