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RxJS operator equivalent of ((observableX | async) || (observableY | async)) in template

I have the following code in my component template

<mat-spinner *ngIf="(($.isLoading | async) || ($.isLoading | async))"></mat-spinner>

I want to move this union to the component class as a single property and refer to it from the component template, like so

<mat-spinner *ngIf="detailLoading | async"></mat-spinner>

However, I cannot find which RxJS union operator to use to property represent the condition in the observables

($.isLoading | async) || ($.isLoading | async)

Which of the RxJS operators could I use to represent the above in my component class?


  • If you need operator in template (pipe), you can create your own.

    I think it should look something like this:

    public detailLoading$: Observable<boolean> =$.pipe(
        map(data => data[0].isLoading || data[1].isLoading )