Search code examples

Is there a way to take this data, pivot it and then combine it into a single string..?

I have a table that contains data as follows:

|   num   |  module-id | page-no |    txt       |
| 3177564 |      1     |    1    |text string 1 |
| 3177564 |      1     |    2    |text string 2 |
| 3177564 |      1     |    3    |text string 3 |
| 3177564 |      2     |    1    |text string 1 |
| 3177564 |      2     |    2    |text string 2 |
| 3177564 |      3     |    1    |text string 1 |
| 3177564 |      3     |    2    |text string 2 |
| 3177564 |      3     |    3    |text string 3 |

I can then use the PIVOT function to produce the following:

|   num   |  module-id | page-no-1    | page-no-2    | page-no-3    | 
| 3177564 |      1     |text string 1 |text string 2 |text string 3 |
| 3177564 |      2     |text string 1 |text string 2 |NULL          |
| 3177564 |      3     |text string 1 |text string2  |text string 3 |

The code used to produce the pivot is:

job j
LEFT OUTER JOIN jobpad jpad ON jpad.num = j.num

(j.num IN
AND (jpad.[page-no] IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)) a
MAX(a.txt) FOR a.[page-no] IN ([1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7],[8],[9],[10])
) p

This is great however, what I would like to do is concatenate the data as per the following example if at all possible:

Please note that p-1, p-2 etc. refers to the page numbers.

|   num   |                        module-id-1                      | module-id-2 | module-id-3 |
| 3177564 |p-1 text string 1 & p-2 text string 2 & p-3 text string 3|per module 1 |per module 1 |

I've been pondering this for a while now but can't quite get it right in my head.

I am currently on SQL Server 2014.


  • To get the first column you're after:

    ; -- see
    WITH src AS
      SELECT num, [module-id], txt = STUFF(
        (SELECT CONCAT(' & ', 'p-', [page-no], ' ', txt)
          FROM dbo.StuffAndThings WHERE num = s.num
          AND [module-id] = s.[module-id]
          FOR XML PATH(''), 
          TYPE).value(N'./text()[1]', N'varchar(max)'), 1, 3, '')
      FROM dbo.StuffAndThings AS s
      WHERE [page-no] = 1
    SELECT num, 
      [module-id-1] = [1], 
      [module-id-2] = [2], 
      [module-id-3] = [3] 
    FROM src PIVOT
    (MAX(txt) FOR [module-id] IN ([1],[2],[3])) AS p;