I'm trying to create a package that manages DB connection, ORM models and migration. It's separated from web service project such as a Flask application, so flask-sqlalchemy is not considered.
This is how I organize my project (only list out parts related to this question):
* my_project/
* db/
- connections.py
* models/
* abstract/
- abstract_base.py
* realized/
- realized_model.py
* versions/
- env.py
- script.py.mako
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
ENGINE = create_engine("db://url")
ModelBase = declarative_base(bind=ENGINE)
Session = sessionmaker(ENGINE)
from sqlalchemy import Column, Integer, DateTime
from my_project.db.connections import ModelBase
class BaseWithTimestamp(ModelBase):
__abstract__ = True
id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
created_at = Column(DateTime, nullable=False)
from sqlalchemy import Column, String
from my_project.models.abstract.abstract_base import BaseWithTimestamp
class Note(BaseWithTimestamp):
__tablename__ = "notes"
content = Column(String(300), nullable=True)
env.py (the same as alembic default except metadata setup):
# ...
from my_project.db.connections import ModelBase
# ...
target_metadata = ModelBase.metadata
# ...
Supposedly, when linked to an empty database, alembic should generate migration script that creates table notes
with three columns specified in model Note
when running revision command with auto-generation switched on. However, what I got is an empty migration script.
Hence I tried doing this in interactive shell to see what's stored in Base
's metadata:
from my_project.db.connections import ModelBase
ModelBase.metadata.tables # => FacadeDict({})
is expected to appear in metadata's table list, but above result shows that no table was memorized in Base
's metatdata, which I think is the root cause for generating empty migration script. Is there anything I'm missing or doing wrong?
Seems that one needs to declare all related classes explicitly right after declarative base model is declared/imported, so that these extended models can get added to metadata:
# ...
from my_project.db.connections import ModelBase
from my_project.models.abstract.abstract_base import BaseWithTimestamp
from my_project.models.realized.realized_model import Note
# ...
target_metadata = ModelBase.metadata
# ...