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Make Jackson use GSON Annotations

I have a data model which I cannot change. The model itself is annotated with GSON annotations.

private String firstValue = null;

The deserialization with Jackson does not work as needed. Jackson cannot match the entry, therefore the value is null.

It would work with

private String firstValue = null;

Is there any way I can make Jackson use the GSON annotations, or is there a any other solution in which I do not need to change the original models annotations?


  • I investigated the problem a bit and it seems that the @JsonProperty annotation is handled with JacksonAnnotationIntrospector. Extending the latter, making it handle @SerializedName, seems to do the trick preserving the original behavior (I hope so):

    @NoArgsConstructor(access = AccessLevel.PRIVATE)
    final class SerializedNameAnnotationIntrospector
            extends JacksonAnnotationIntrospector {
        private static final AnnotationIntrospector instance = new SerializedNameAnnotationIntrospector();
        public PropertyName findNameForDeserialization(final Annotated annotated) {
            final SerializedName serializedName = annotated.getAnnotation(SerializedName.class);
            if ( serializedName == null ) {
                return super.findNameForDeserialization(annotated);
            // TODO how to handle serializedName.alternate()?
            return new PropertyName(serializedName.value());
    public final class SerializedNameAnnotationIntrospectorTest {
        private static final AnnotationIntrospector unit = SerializedNameAnnotationIntrospector.getInstance();
        public void test()
                throws IOException {
            final ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper()
            final Model model = objectMapper.readValue("{\"first_value\":\"foo\",\"second_value\":\"bar\"}", Model.class);
            Assertions.assertEquals("foo", model.firstValue);
            Assertions.assertEquals("bar", model.secondValue);
        private static final class Model {
            private final String firstValue = null;
            // does not exist in the original model,
            // but retains here to verify whether the introspector still works fine
            private final String secondValue = null;

    Please note that I'm not sure how good it works as I'm not a Jackson expert.