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How to print results in Mosel

I am attempting to create a mosel model that takes data from an excel file and concerns energy demand for 20 regions. Each region has 3 possible alternatives corresponding to the kind of energy centrals we're considering in the model and a maximum of capacity.
Centrals differ for variable costs per mw and our goal is to cover the overall demand of the regions by minimizing total costs. Each region has a constraint regarding the quantity of energy that can produce. When I try to print the results the final matrix (X) it appear in that way: "[0x7fd85a85ea70,0x7fd85a85ea80,0x7fd85a85ea90,0x7fd85a85eaa0,0x7fd85a85eab0,0x7fd85a85eac0,0x7fd85a85ead0,0x7fd85a85eae0,0x7fd85a85eaf0,0x7fd85a85eb00,0x7fd85a85eb10,0x7fd85a85eb20,0x7fd85a85eb30,0x7fd85a85eb40,0x7fd85a85eb50,0x7fd85a85eb60,0x7fd85a85eb70,0x7fd85a85eb80,0x7fd85a85eb90,0x7fd85a85eba0,0x7fd85a85ebb0,0x7fd85a85ebc0,0x7fd85a85ebd0,0x7fd85a85ebe0,0x7fd85a85ebf0,0x7fd85a85ec00,0x7fd85a85ec10,0x7fd85a85ec20,0x7fd85a85ec30,0x7fd85a85ec40,0x7fd85a85ec50,0x7fd85a85ec60,0x7fd85a85ec70,0x7fd85a85ec80,0x7fd85a85ec90,0x7fd85a85eca0,0x7fd85a85ecb0,0x7fd85a85ecc0,0x7fd85a85ecd0,0x7fd85a85ece0,0x7fd85a85ecf0,0x7fd85a85ed00,0x7fd85a85ed10,0x7fd85a85ed20,0x7fd85a85ed30,0x7fd85a85ed40,0x7fd85a85ed50,0x7fd85a85ed60,0x7fd85a85ed70,0x7fd85a85ed80,0x7fd85a85ed90,0x7fd85a85eda0,0x7fd85a85edb0,0x7fd85a85edc0,0x7fd85a85edd0,0x7fd85a85ede0,0x7fd85a85edf0,0x7fd85a85ee00,0x7fd85a85ee10,0x7fd85a85ee20]" I attach code thank you.

uses "mmxprs","mmsheet"!optimization library, Excel library

! Declaration of parameters used in the model
  FileTo="mmsheet.xlsx:noindex;last.xlsx" !Excel file with the input data

setparam("XPRS_VERBOSE",true);        !Activate xpress verbose.
setparam("XPRS_MAXTIME", 60)        !Setting maximum search time to 1 hour=3600 seconds

  N:integer;    !Number of REGIONS to consider
  totdemand: integer;

initializations from FileTo
  N as "[Regions$A1]"         !Read this value from the Excel file in sheet CityNumber cell A1
  Cent as "[Centrals$A1]"
  totdemand as "[Demand$B23]"

    Centraltype= 1..Cent;
    maxproductible: array(Regions) of real;  
    Demand: array(Regions) of real;                 !expected demand from each city
    costtype: array(Centraltype) of real;
    RegionName: array(Regions) of string;!city names
    !NCentraltype: array(Centraltype) of string;
    maxcapacity: array(Regions,Centraltype) of real;
    X: array(Regions,Centraltype) of mpvar;       !capacity produced
    !y:array(Centrals,Regions) of mpvar;    !binary variable that assigns warehouse to city of customers in MODEL 0
                                           !continuous variable that count homw many coustomeres of a city are served by a warehouse
ObjectiveFunction: linctr;

initializations from FileTo
    !Distance as "[Distance$B3:U22]"
    Demand   as "[Demand$B1:B20]"
    RegionName as "[Demand$A1:A20]"
    !NCentraltype as "[Centrals$G9:G11]"
    costtype as "[Centrals$F3:F5]"
    maxproductible as "[Demand$F1:F20]"

procedure Modelllll
    totcost:=sum(r in Regions,C in Centraltype) X(r,C)*costtype(C)
    forall (r in Regions, C in Centraltype) X(r,C) <= maxcapacity(r,C)
    forall (r in Regions) sum(C in Centraltype) X(r,C)<= maxproductible(r)
    forall (r in Regions) sum(C in Centraltype) X(r,C) >= totdemand

! Print out the solution
 writeln("Total setup times: ", getobjval)
 forall(r in Regions,C in Centraltype) 



  • In your model, X is an array of mpvar. According to the documentation of write() and writeln(), for such an array only the memory addresses of the elements are printed. This is why you see all those hexadecimal numbers.

    In order to see the actual value of a decision variable, you have to access the .sol property of the variable and for example

    forall(r in Regions,C in Centraltype)